Mind Mending with LENS (Low Energy Neuro Feedback System) corrects
neurological pathways compromised by physical and emotional damage.
LENS was developed over 15 years ago by Len Ochs, PhD. This gentle, non-invasive neuro and bio feedback technique is helping people all over the world regain brain function and reclaim their lives! Think of this as a way to painlessly "re-boot" and "re-energize" your brain, allowing greater ease in learning, work, and play. Clearer thinking, better sleep, emotions that are easier to manage, better memory, and so much more can be yours!
LENS encourages the brain to regain flexibility which in turn allows improved quality of life. When the brain in injured, it ‘locks’ itself down in an attempt to protect itself, causing forgetfulness, difficulty completing tasks, reactive emotions, and so much more. LENS increases the blood supply, awakens and balances the parts that aren't as active as we need them to be, thus allowing us to reclaim and create the life we would like for ourselves.
STRESS RELIEF is a treatment done with clips on the ear lobes and a sensor that is moved to each fingernail. Your stress levels are reviewed at the start and at the end of the treatment, the vast majority of clients experience a dramatic drop in anxiety, agitation and stress levels. What a relief!
BODY LENS works to "re-boot" or "re-set" nerves that forget to turn off after an injury of some kind. This painless treatment can potentially completely change your life... One lady had chronic neck and shoulder pain for the last 40 years... in one treatment it went from 7-8/10 pain to 1/10 pain... for some, it is just that quick. For others, it takes more time. Her foot was swollen and bruised, 8/10 pain, from dropping a piece of furniture on it... after BODY LENS, it was 4/10... in 105 seconds.
LENS and MIGRAINES: LENS works with the blood supply in the brain allowing the irritable brain to be smoothed and calmed. Why continue to live in pain when it can be possible to reduce or eliminate this debilitating condition?
LENS and addictions... the statistics show that with the addition of LENS to inpatient drug and alcohol treatment programs, the success rate increase to 80% vs. 20-40% in programs without LENS. It is thought that LENS helps to rebalance the neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for moods and transmission of the nerve signals themselves.
LENS works very well for any kind of brain injury, no matter the cause: physical, emotional, or chemical. LENS doesn’t treat a diagnosis, it treats the brain, so the source of the injury is less important than the symptoms you desire to overcome. Genetic diseases or progressive diseases move more slowly toward improvement, but improvements are seen with Parkinson’s, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis and so on. It does not ‘cure’ these diseases but it does help with the symptoms. Statistics say between 3-5 years of improved quality of life are possible with Alzheimers, MS, Parkinsons, and so on. Autism sees it's greatest improvements in social behaviors: less yelling, repetitive behaviors, and speech: it varies with each child. Some can gain speech, are able to toilet train, and so on.
Where lens is least effective is when there is an underlying inflammatory process such as Lyme disease, hepatitis, yeast overgrowth, or heavy metal toxicity. The body is inundated with surviving, and has nothing left to give to improve the brain. Often, as the brain heals, other health issues will improve along the way, as the brain IS the “captain of the ship.” Once these diseases are in "remission" then work can commence in improving brain function.
LENS works very well for any kind of brain injury, no matter the cause: physical, emotional, or chemical. Thus, the symptoms of Traumatic Brain injuries, seizures, depression, anxiety, strokes, ADD/ADHD, are improved as the brain is gently encouraged to re-balance. This allows us to choose to live better... how can I assist you today?
Treatment starts with a comprehensive interview and filling out a questionnaire; here is the link: http://ochslabs.com/cdb/report/lw3-questionnaire.php. There are 3 parts which help me determine your sensitivity, reactivity, and durability. It also distills out your top 10 challenges and allows us to track them from week to week. Your email must be the same as the one used for your treatment email so the answers can be linked to you treatment page.
Next, I do what is called a "MAP" of your brain. I place the sensors sequentially on 21 different sites on the head, thus evaluating where your brain is starting out from. This, plus the interview, gives us a treatment plan to start your journey to living the kind of life you would like to lead. The average length of treatment is 10 sessions or less, but this is highly dependent upon your individual history, genetics, and the degree of injury/injuries we are dealing with. I believe we are partners in this journey: your awareness of changes and involvement in the treatment plan are highly beneficial. This initial MAP is an evaluation, the next session is an actual treatment: some do notice improvements with the evaluation. Each session starts with how you have done the past week, what improvements you have seen and what has stayed the same. There are often really good weeks, some weeks can be a struggle as memories are released or the brain is changing creating new ways of seeing things. The goal to create change at a pace you can handle.
The MAP session is often and hour to and hour and a half. The treatment sessions can be as short as 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, depending upon the review of how the week went. The vast majority of the time I do not do more that one session a week. Your brain MUST have time to assimilate the information and make the changes necessary. It is most beneficial if you answer the top 10 questions 3-4 days post treatment. I look forward to sharing your journey to the kind of life you would like to live! Many Blessings to you.
LENS is Low Energy Neurofeedback, developed by Dr. Len Ochs starting in the 1980’s. www.OCHSLabs.com LENS uses 1/100th the amount of energy a watch battery emits to effect changes in the physiology of the brain. A cell phone is 100,000 times this.
How this is done:
To get the initial MAP of the brain, 21 sites are measured for total Amplitude, Dominant Frequency, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Low, Mid and High Beta brain waves using this very Low Frequency. These are measured using 2 seconds per site on the head at an offset of 20 (offset 20 Hz from the Dominant Frequency) and a Duty Cycle of 1 or 100 in order to obtain the initial MAP. Duty cycle represents the duration of feedback. 100% is continuous feedback for the entire second; it is soothing for an irritable brain. 1% is like a ping, feedback is 1% of one second, and is more disruptive to the brain. Feedback of hm is like static, also disrupting the status quo of the brain.
Think of the offset as a magnet that pulls on the physiology of the brain. A 5% offset is a very strong pull like a magnet very close to a nail. 20% is the standard starting offset to more gently pull the physiology out of where it is “stuck” after injuries of various types, to increase neuroplasticity. This increase in standard deviation (the amount of blue or neuroplasticity) results in increasing functionality of the individual. This I can expand upon later.
Interpreting the graphs:
The first graph is the standard graph with all of the above categories at the 21 sites measured, giving a baseline evaluation of the current status of the brain. Ideally, the black bars will be 2/3rd black with 1/3rd blue on the top of the bar. This blue represents the neuroplasticity, which is interpreted through challenges in function an individual exhibits. Some have trouble remembering what was heard or read. Memory impairments, difficulty finding words, completing tasks, sentences, or sequencing and so on are seen with limited amounts of blue on the bars. (Blue is interpreted as neuroplasticity.) The client doesn’t need to do anything to get better except show up for treatment and accurately track changes in their functional challenges, thus giving accurate feedback for accurate dosing. We appreciate keeping current on the top 10 questionnaire tracking symptoms, as this helps us to collect data from which we can learn a great deal. The data collection is all anonymous with no ability to identify individuals in association with the data.
The second set of graphs is the interpretation of the percentage of the blue to the black bars. This is called the Suppression map: the degree of suppression the brain is experiencing (or not). Most people who come to me have functional challenges related to Traumatic Brain Injuries, PTSD, Addictions, stress, anxiety, LIFE! etc.
I do not treat a diagnosis. I treat the physiology of the individual and use the graphs as a guide to treatment and an evaluation of results and most importantly, the interviews with the client as symptoms change. These are also tracked with the top ten functional challenges as distilled by an extensive questionnaire and re-evaluated each week of treatment. This is then put in graph form so these symptoms are easily tracked.
The increasing amounts of blue (neuroplasticity) are often associated with improved functional changes: memory improvement, the ability to complete tasks, find words, and remember what was said or read, lessening of anxiety and depression. With the lessening of the symptoms, greater clarity usually occurs. Better sleep, ability to learn and retain information is another benefit of treatment. Studies have shown that inpatient treatment programs for addiction that add LENS, increase long-term success from 20 - 40% to 80% - quite exciting! These are just a few of the changes that can occur and the brain becomes better balanced.
“Dosages” for treatment are first determined by the number of sites treated. Next is the number of seconds used, the offset, and the duty cycle. There are other refinements of treatment such as narrow band, which makes the treatment more intense. The dosage for each individual is determined by evaluating their sensitivity, reactivity, and hardiness. This is done through interviews and the questionnaire. Close assessment of the response to each treatment is monitored (by interview and questionnaire) and the dosage adjusted accordingly always with your most valuable input. The more feedback you can give me the better we can refine treatment.
The “map” on the left of the bars shows how the brain is functioning in photographic style. SEE EXAMPLES OF MAPS BELOW AND AREAS OF APPLICABILITY
LENS is thought to increase the blood supply of the brain, re-balance and/or stimulate the neurotransmitters, release/balance suppression in the brain, and EEG balancing (to my understanding). I often liken it to defragmenting and/or rebooting of your computer, for easier understanding for the non-scientific portion of the population being treated. The brain waves are able to "wave" better in a coordinated way creating ease in life!
OCHS Labs is collecting this data to try to correlate treatment and results. Most clients require 10 treatments or less, depending upon severity of injury, whether there are repeated injuries, and the duration (ongoing abuse over time) of the injuries. The injuries can be traumatic, chemical, illness, or emotional. There are also genetic components, which, when present, can slow improvements. Bi Polar and such diagnosis can be mitigated, but NOT “cured”. Functionality can be improved but the underlying disease process remains such as with Autism, Parkinson’s, MS, and so on. Ultimately, chronic diseases like Parkinson’s take their toll.
I hope this aids your understanding of what these graphs represent and the process by which they were obtained. Reference material can be provided if you so desire.
This is my understanding of the LENS; Dr. Ochs is the ultimate expert in this system, I hope this is of assistance.
Maxine Doner, RN, CSMT2, LENS practioner
[email protected]
The Healing Power of Neurofeedback: The Revolutionary LENS Technique for Restoring Optimal Brain Function by Dr Stephen Larsen. This book includes case histories about the LENS Technique and some of its history. Ultimately, it is quite readable and easily understood by the non-scientific portion of the community that seeks greater understanding of the treatment.
LENS encourages the brain to regain flexibility which in turn allows improved quality of life. When the brain in injured, it ‘locks’ itself down in an attempt to protect itself, causing forgetfulness, difficulty completing tasks, reactive emotions, and so much more. LENS increases the blood supply, awakens and balances the parts that aren't as active as we need them to be, thus allowing us to reclaim and create the life we would like for ourselves.
STRESS RELIEF is a treatment done with clips on the ear lobes and a sensor that is moved to each fingernail. Your stress levels are reviewed at the start and at the end of the treatment, the vast majority of clients experience a dramatic drop in anxiety, agitation and stress levels. What a relief!
BODY LENS works to "re-boot" or "re-set" nerves that forget to turn off after an injury of some kind. This painless treatment can potentially completely change your life... One lady had chronic neck and shoulder pain for the last 40 years... in one treatment it went from 7-8/10 pain to 1/10 pain... for some, it is just that quick. For others, it takes more time. Her foot was swollen and bruised, 8/10 pain, from dropping a piece of furniture on it... after BODY LENS, it was 4/10... in 105 seconds.
LENS and MIGRAINES: LENS works with the blood supply in the brain allowing the irritable brain to be smoothed and calmed. Why continue to live in pain when it can be possible to reduce or eliminate this debilitating condition?
LENS and addictions... the statistics show that with the addition of LENS to inpatient drug and alcohol treatment programs, the success rate increase to 80% vs. 20-40% in programs without LENS. It is thought that LENS helps to rebalance the neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for moods and transmission of the nerve signals themselves.
LENS works very well for any kind of brain injury, no matter the cause: physical, emotional, or chemical. LENS doesn’t treat a diagnosis, it treats the brain, so the source of the injury is less important than the symptoms you desire to overcome. Genetic diseases or progressive diseases move more slowly toward improvement, but improvements are seen with Parkinson’s, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis and so on. It does not ‘cure’ these diseases but it does help with the symptoms. Statistics say between 3-5 years of improved quality of life are possible with Alzheimers, MS, Parkinsons, and so on. Autism sees it's greatest improvements in social behaviors: less yelling, repetitive behaviors, and speech: it varies with each child. Some can gain speech, are able to toilet train, and so on.
Where lens is least effective is when there is an underlying inflammatory process such as Lyme disease, hepatitis, yeast overgrowth, or heavy metal toxicity. The body is inundated with surviving, and has nothing left to give to improve the brain. Often, as the brain heals, other health issues will improve along the way, as the brain IS the “captain of the ship.” Once these diseases are in "remission" then work can commence in improving brain function.
LENS works very well for any kind of brain injury, no matter the cause: physical, emotional, or chemical. Thus, the symptoms of Traumatic Brain injuries, seizures, depression, anxiety, strokes, ADD/ADHD, are improved as the brain is gently encouraged to re-balance. This allows us to choose to live better... how can I assist you today?
Treatment starts with a comprehensive interview and filling out a questionnaire; here is the link: http://ochslabs.com/cdb/report/lw3-questionnaire.php. There are 3 parts which help me determine your sensitivity, reactivity, and durability. It also distills out your top 10 challenges and allows us to track them from week to week. Your email must be the same as the one used for your treatment email so the answers can be linked to you treatment page.
Next, I do what is called a "MAP" of your brain. I place the sensors sequentially on 21 different sites on the head, thus evaluating where your brain is starting out from. This, plus the interview, gives us a treatment plan to start your journey to living the kind of life you would like to lead. The average length of treatment is 10 sessions or less, but this is highly dependent upon your individual history, genetics, and the degree of injury/injuries we are dealing with. I believe we are partners in this journey: your awareness of changes and involvement in the treatment plan are highly beneficial. This initial MAP is an evaluation, the next session is an actual treatment: some do notice improvements with the evaluation. Each session starts with how you have done the past week, what improvements you have seen and what has stayed the same. There are often really good weeks, some weeks can be a struggle as memories are released or the brain is changing creating new ways of seeing things. The goal to create change at a pace you can handle.
The MAP session is often and hour to and hour and a half. The treatment sessions can be as short as 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, depending upon the review of how the week went. The vast majority of the time I do not do more that one session a week. Your brain MUST have time to assimilate the information and make the changes necessary. It is most beneficial if you answer the top 10 questions 3-4 days post treatment. I look forward to sharing your journey to the kind of life you would like to live! Many Blessings to you.
LENS is Low Energy Neurofeedback, developed by Dr. Len Ochs starting in the 1980’s. www.OCHSLabs.com LENS uses 1/100th the amount of energy a watch battery emits to effect changes in the physiology of the brain. A cell phone is 100,000 times this.
How this is done:
To get the initial MAP of the brain, 21 sites are measured for total Amplitude, Dominant Frequency, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Low, Mid and High Beta brain waves using this very Low Frequency. These are measured using 2 seconds per site on the head at an offset of 20 (offset 20 Hz from the Dominant Frequency) and a Duty Cycle of 1 or 100 in order to obtain the initial MAP. Duty cycle represents the duration of feedback. 100% is continuous feedback for the entire second; it is soothing for an irritable brain. 1% is like a ping, feedback is 1% of one second, and is more disruptive to the brain. Feedback of hm is like static, also disrupting the status quo of the brain.
Think of the offset as a magnet that pulls on the physiology of the brain. A 5% offset is a very strong pull like a magnet very close to a nail. 20% is the standard starting offset to more gently pull the physiology out of where it is “stuck” after injuries of various types, to increase neuroplasticity. This increase in standard deviation (the amount of blue or neuroplasticity) results in increasing functionality of the individual. This I can expand upon later.
Interpreting the graphs:
The first graph is the standard graph with all of the above categories at the 21 sites measured, giving a baseline evaluation of the current status of the brain. Ideally, the black bars will be 2/3rd black with 1/3rd blue on the top of the bar. This blue represents the neuroplasticity, which is interpreted through challenges in function an individual exhibits. Some have trouble remembering what was heard or read. Memory impairments, difficulty finding words, completing tasks, sentences, or sequencing and so on are seen with limited amounts of blue on the bars. (Blue is interpreted as neuroplasticity.) The client doesn’t need to do anything to get better except show up for treatment and accurately track changes in their functional challenges, thus giving accurate feedback for accurate dosing. We appreciate keeping current on the top 10 questionnaire tracking symptoms, as this helps us to collect data from which we can learn a great deal. The data collection is all anonymous with no ability to identify individuals in association with the data.
The second set of graphs is the interpretation of the percentage of the blue to the black bars. This is called the Suppression map: the degree of suppression the brain is experiencing (or not). Most people who come to me have functional challenges related to Traumatic Brain Injuries, PTSD, Addictions, stress, anxiety, LIFE! etc.
I do not treat a diagnosis. I treat the physiology of the individual and use the graphs as a guide to treatment and an evaluation of results and most importantly, the interviews with the client as symptoms change. These are also tracked with the top ten functional challenges as distilled by an extensive questionnaire and re-evaluated each week of treatment. This is then put in graph form so these symptoms are easily tracked.
The increasing amounts of blue (neuroplasticity) are often associated with improved functional changes: memory improvement, the ability to complete tasks, find words, and remember what was said or read, lessening of anxiety and depression. With the lessening of the symptoms, greater clarity usually occurs. Better sleep, ability to learn and retain information is another benefit of treatment. Studies have shown that inpatient treatment programs for addiction that add LENS, increase long-term success from 20 - 40% to 80% - quite exciting! These are just a few of the changes that can occur and the brain becomes better balanced.
“Dosages” for treatment are first determined by the number of sites treated. Next is the number of seconds used, the offset, and the duty cycle. There are other refinements of treatment such as narrow band, which makes the treatment more intense. The dosage for each individual is determined by evaluating their sensitivity, reactivity, and hardiness. This is done through interviews and the questionnaire. Close assessment of the response to each treatment is monitored (by interview and questionnaire) and the dosage adjusted accordingly always with your most valuable input. The more feedback you can give me the better we can refine treatment.
The “map” on the left of the bars shows how the brain is functioning in photographic style. SEE EXAMPLES OF MAPS BELOW AND AREAS OF APPLICABILITY
LENS is thought to increase the blood supply of the brain, re-balance and/or stimulate the neurotransmitters, release/balance suppression in the brain, and EEG balancing (to my understanding). I often liken it to defragmenting and/or rebooting of your computer, for easier understanding for the non-scientific portion of the population being treated. The brain waves are able to "wave" better in a coordinated way creating ease in life!
OCHS Labs is collecting this data to try to correlate treatment and results. Most clients require 10 treatments or less, depending upon severity of injury, whether there are repeated injuries, and the duration (ongoing abuse over time) of the injuries. The injuries can be traumatic, chemical, illness, or emotional. There are also genetic components, which, when present, can slow improvements. Bi Polar and such diagnosis can be mitigated, but NOT “cured”. Functionality can be improved but the underlying disease process remains such as with Autism, Parkinson’s, MS, and so on. Ultimately, chronic diseases like Parkinson’s take their toll.
I hope this aids your understanding of what these graphs represent and the process by which they were obtained. Reference material can be provided if you so desire.
This is my understanding of the LENS; Dr. Ochs is the ultimate expert in this system, I hope this is of assistance.
Maxine Doner, RN, CSMT2, LENS practioner
[email protected]
The Healing Power of Neurofeedback: The Revolutionary LENS Technique for Restoring Optimal Brain Function by Dr Stephen Larsen. This book includes case histories about the LENS Technique and some of its history. Ultimately, it is quite readable and easily understood by the non-scientific portion of the community that seeks greater understanding of the treatment.
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Areas of applicability...
Functional Areas
Diagnostic Area
Underlying Functional Areas to Address
Mood Motor Motivation Anxiety Reactivity Pain Addictions & Dependencies |
ADD, TBI, Autism, Asperger's, learning disabilities
Depression, prolonged or incomplete grieving, PTSD, bi-polar, reactive attachment disorder Paralysis, spasticity, clumsiness, progressive disease (Parkinsons, Alzheimer's, MS), stroke Depression, lack of motivation The experience of anxiety, ADD, ADHD, anxiety attacks, PTSD, dissociative problems, sleep disorders, OCD Personality disorders, borderline, seizures (epileptic form and non-clinical) Fibromyalgia, migraines, unresolved body pain Drug or alcohol addiction and dependency; eating disorders; substance abuse |
Problems sequencing, memory, providing and maintaining attention, concentration, clarity, organization
Anger, sadness, explosiveness, road rage. Lack of grace, problems of eye-hand coordination, balance, increased muscle tone (from spasticity), tremor Problems initiating tasks, shifting from one activity to another, and/or completing tasks Too much uncomfortably-contained energy: persistent "anxiety", restlessness, rumination, agitation, distraction, difficulty breathing, palpitations, tremor exacerbation, and sleep interruption Hyper reactivity, hypersensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivities Brain-generated pain (mismapping the origins and qualities of the signals); vascular pain Lack of clarity about emotions and self-comforting; defensiveness, argumentativeness, cynicism |
Links to Books & Research...
The Healing Power of Neurofeedback the Revolutionary LENS Technique for Restoring Optimal Brain Function by Stephen Larsen, Ph.D. copyright 20
Lens: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System by D. Corydon Hammond and Corydon D. Hammond (Jan 11, 2013)
LENS & Traumatic Brain Injury clinical research
LENS & Anosmia clinical research
LENS & Animals clinical research
Lens: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System by D. Corydon Hammond and Corydon D. Hammond (Jan 11, 2013)
LENS & Traumatic Brain Injury clinical research
LENS & Anosmia clinical research
LENS & Animals clinical research